
Welcome to my exciting life

Stay home!

Look, I know everyone is going a little crazy right now, but you all need to start listening. Stay home. I had to go to the drug store the other day, because for some reason my drug plan does not cover my meds if I get them ahead of time, which means a trip to the drug store at least every two weeks. Anyway, I digress. The point is, I passed so many people out and about on my way there. There was even a football game happening at the local park. Easter was especially busy, with people travelling everywhere. You just know that there is going to be one massive surge in cases in about two weeks. Well done!

No news on the book yet, but I should hear at some point this week.

Also, the new book is coming along great. Finished chapter 4. If anyone enjoys science fiction and has some spare time, I will be looking for beta-readers once it is done. Let me know.

More writing.

Don't forget.