
Welcome to my exciting life

What a day

Well, today started out with a bang. I had a virtual appointment with a psychiatrist for an assessment. Of course, being the technical genius that I am, I couldn’t log on. As a result. I started feeling very overwhelmed immediately. Now I’m a bundle of nerves. I’m shaking so hard it’s hard to type right now. Gotta work on calming myself down.

Today, I am planning to start the final edit of my new book. I am really happy with what I have so far, so now I just have to work on getting the wording perfect. Of course, it’s still going to be quite a while before I can publish. Need to make some money first.

Speaking of which, I have also decided that I need to get me an RV. My plan is to hit the road, sort of like a continuous book tour. Of course, I have to wait for covid to end.

New Job
