So I was in the grocery store on Friday (Yes, I had to go. Stop looking at me like that). The guy in front of me in the line up has BATHED himself in cologne. All I can think to myself is, “Don’t sneeze. Don’t sneeze.” Could have caused a mass panic.
So, only two more things to do with the book. At some time this week, I have to figure out the price of the book. Then, I have a meeting with the social media consultant (by phone or skype) to help me set up my web page. Hopefully, I will also have an actual release date.
A couple of things on my mind today. The first is, I keep wondering about the book, as it was written before all this covid-19 stuff happened. It’s weird. On the one hand, I feel like the book is even more relevant than ever. All the things I wrote about the crisis facing nurses is still right on point. On the other hand, it just seems like the whole world has changed since then, and it feels weird to me that the book doesn’t reflect that. Not sure what to do about this. If you read this and have a suggestion, let me know.
I am also a little bummed about all my plans going down the tubes. I had planned to have a big release party with all of my friends, but that is now out of course. I was also planning to buy some books at the author’s discount price, so that I could sell them at a discount for my friends, but now that seems useless as well, since I don’t have any way to distribute them. This being stuck at home really sucks.
I should also mention that the new job is out, at least for now. Seems that they are delaying the launch of the covid-19 hotline for now. I think it’s because the trajectory is not looking that bad right now, where I live.
Keep safe everyone.