
Welcome to my exciting life

Read this book.

Read this book.

I have read many books written by nurses over the years (and have even written one myself). I can honestly say that this is now my new second favorite.

Emma Gracie is already an accomplished author and it shows. Her story telling is vivid and filled with detail. As a fellow nurse, I often felt that I was actually in the room with her, watching the events she describes unfold. That is a rare talent indeed.

I also liked that many of her tales were so upbeat. She obviously cares a great deal for her patients. Given the stress that health care workers are under right now, it is easy to forget sometimes all of the positive aspects of our job. It was so good to hear such a positive perspective for a while. It renewed my faith in nursing.

All in all, this was a great read, and one that I would recommend to all health care professionals.

Mental Health Day

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