
Welcome to my exciting life

New group

So I have started a new group for people with PTSD. I won’t give away to much info here, as I don’t want to give away my location. If you wish to know more, you can message me on the title page of this blog.

I sent a nasty letter off to the producers of “The Rookie” yesterday. At the end of the last episode, one of the officers was wondering how to get over a traumatic event, and the other officer told her to look at it in a more positive light. In other words, put on a happy face and get over it. It’s a show I usually enjoy, but I really found that to be insulting.

I am still watching not so patiently for updates from the publisher. Stay tuned.

I have also added a new page to this group called “The Wall of Honor”. If you are a nurse who is currently off work due to PTSD, and you feel comfortable in doing so, please send me a picture of yourself and I will post it to the wall.

Another week

Food for thought