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Book Review

Had the book professionally reviewed.

The View From the Wrong Side of the Day is a great novel that I have decided to rate 4 out of 4 stars. It’s a memoir written by T.C. Randall that documents his long and unique career in the healthcare industry, starting with his struggles through nursing school and then discussing his perseverance through working as a nurse in the Emergency Room (ER). Randall struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for years, which was brought on by the horrific carnage he saw in the ER. It was both inspiring and informative to learn about how Randall overcame his struggles and obtained a better mental health.

One of the things I love about this novel is how relevant it is today. Given the current Coronavirus Pandemic, healthcare professionals around the country (especially nurses) are working in the most difficult environment of our times. I’ve read in the news lately that most nurses are working extra hours and are dealing with more and more viruses each day. Not to mention the fact that many are contracting the virus. Because of this, I’m sure that many nurses are experiencing mental health problems, and this subject is tackled directly in Randall’s book.

Another aspect of this novel I love is the writing. Randall is a terrific author, and fills his memoir with scenes that are vividly described and emotional. He has clearly also spent a lot of resources and devoted lots of time to ensuring that the book is thoroughly edited. It paid off. I am glad to report that I could not find a single grammatical error in the novel.

One of the main criticisms I’ve read from other reviewers of this novel is that it’s not uplifting enough, and I couldn’t disagree more. Of course, the subject matter is not uplifting (PTSD is a serious issue), but what is uplifting is the fact that Randall overcame PTSD. His memoir is filled with well-placed pieces of advice to show others struggling with PTSD that things can get better.

I would recommend this novel to everybody, but in particular to anyone who’s experienced PTSD before, as I believe they would find this novel especially relatable. Also, I would recommend it in particular to anyone who plans to go into the healthcare industry, as the novel is a detailed glimpse into what one could expect their career to be like. Of course, nurses currently working on the frontlines of the battle against the Coronavirus Pandemic could also relate to this story; I’m sure that their experiences would be similar.

Overall, this was a superbly relevant and well-written novel that you should definitely read. Enjoy!


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