
Welcome to my exciting life

Book is selling

Well, the book is officially selling now. Not quite as fast as I would like, but I suppose it will take momentum, so I’ll just be patient. The people who have read it are saying good things.

It’s also been a busy week for promo work. I’ve had to start an author’s page on Amazon, and am now in the process of getting on Goodreads. The Goodreads site in particular is a pain in the ass. Took me hours yesterday. Not particularly user friendly, for those of us that are attempting to do all of this from scratch, with no real idea how to do it.

The first draft of the new book is going well. I’ve sent out some copies to people to have a look at and am getting some really positive feedback. I think that it’s a really unique idea.

I hope everyone is staying safe out there. One comment I hear a great deal on the nursing sites is about staying sane in the time of Covid-19. That’s easy. Talk about it. If I had shared my stories with people when I first started having difficulty, I might still be working. We nurses tend to just soldier on, and that’s not healthy. As I say in my book, that really only works until it doesn’t. The nursing profession needs to start taking mental health as seriously as we do physical health.

Add on for the book.

Busy day